Environment Choosing one with an international perspective offers excellent practice for the global economic environment in which today’s businesses operate. In fact, according to the results of French human resource company Emerging’s Global Employability University Survey, international exposure is the second-highest consideration for employers, second only to experience with an institution’s graduates.  Faculty Prospective business…

Get Organized The first step to manage your stress throughout the school year is to be in control of your academic responsibilities. If you receive your syllabi from your professors before the first day of class, read through it carefully and note important deadlines and exam dates. Keep track of those dates in a paper…

Study Early and Often Some students wait until a few days before the exam to study for the NCLEX, but you should really begin on day one of nursing school. The NCLEX is a cumulative exam, and you need to continually review the information in order to commit it to memory. Do not try to…

Learn English From U.S. Instructors, Locals or Mentors Prospective international students may also want to consider learning American English through a summer program on a U.S. university campus. “One of the best ways for international students to improve their English-language speaking skills is to participate in an English-language intensive program,” Jane Griffiths says. School Mentors…

What Des the Programme Involve? The online course begins in early July and consists of structured, in-depth, problem-based academic tasks. These tasks take around two weeks to complete, but participants are given eight weeks in which to do so. The timetable for the online work is deliberately flexible, so that participants are able to fit…

Dalam rangka menghadapi Ujian Tertulis-Berbasis Komputer (UTBK) tahun 2019, pihak Universitas Halu Oleo menggelar kegiatan Pelatihan dan Workshop Sistem UTBK, terhadap Admin Server dan Teknisi Ruang, pada tanggal 2 Maret 2019 di Hotel Same Boutique Kendari. Kegiatan ini dibuka oleh Wakil Rektor Bidang Akademik, Bapak Dr. La Hamimu, S.Si., M.T. Dalam Sambutannya, beliau menyampaikan bahwa:…

Saat ini Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Halu Oleo telah membuka layanan perpustakaan bagi seluruh mahasiswa, dosen dan tenaga kependidikan lingkup FIB UHO. Untuk memaksimalkan layanan tersebut, kami meminta seluruh Mahasiswa, Dosen/Tenaga Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan untuk melakukan registrasi keanggotaan Perpustakaan FIB UHO, melalui link: Registrasi Anggota Perpustakaan FIB UHO Data yang diisikan dalam form ini…

Universitas Halu Oleo menggelar Rapat Pleno Pembahasan Peraturan Akademik, Kurikulum dan Satuan Penjaminan Mutu Internal, yang bertempat di Hotel Same Kendari. Rapat yang dilaksanakan selama dua hari, yakni 8 – 9 Januari 2019 ini dibuka secara resmi oleh Rektor Universitas Halu oleo, Bapak Prof. Dr. Muhammad Zamrun F., S.Si.,M.Sc.,M.Si. Rapat ini diselenggarakan oleh Lembaga Pengembangan…

PENGUMUMAN SELEKSI PENERIMAAN CALON PEGAWAI TENAGA PENDIDIK (DOSEN) NON PNS PADA PROGRAM STUDI SASTRA PERANCIS, JURUSAN BAHASA DAN SASTRA FAKULTAS ILMU BUDAYA UNIVERISTAS HALU OLEO Program Studi Sastra Perancis Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Halu Oleo akan menerima Calon Pegawai Tenaga Pendidik (Dosen) Non PNS untuk jabatan Dosen dengan Persyaratan Khusus sebagai…